BLOCK: All letters are capitalized
Script: All letters are engraved EXACTLY as entered
Please note: all engravings are automatically centered unless otherwise instructed
For your convenience, we have provided an engraving instructions field on the order details page of any engravable item.
The cost for engraving is $6.50 for up to 15 characters and $.75 for each additional character (may be charged separately). We offer FREE engraving (up to 15 characters) on any charm over $100.00.
Please note that because not all items have the space for a lot of words, we recommend that you keep it as short and simple as possible. Of course, we will contact you if there is a problem.
NOTE: When BLOCK lettering is ordered, all the letters will be capitalized. When Script lettering is ordered, all letters will be engraved EXACTLY as entered. Also, note that engraving is CENTERED where applicable, unless otherwise specified.
Please note: Engraved items are not returnable.